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Trademark Guidelines

Trademark Guidelines

Our trademarks are valuable corporate assets that play an important role in promoting PTC and its products and services. However, they may be weakened or lost by improper use. These Trademark Usage Guidelines ("Guidelines") set forth how to properly acknowledge and preserve the trademark rights of PTC Inc. and its subsidiaries. These guidelines apply to all PTC resellers, strategic business partners, customers, advertising agencies, consultants, professional writers and editors, licensees and to third parties making reference to PTC trademarks.

If you have any questions concerning the information in these Guidelines, please contact the PTC Legal Department at 140 Kendrick Street, Needham, Massachusetts 02494, or (781) 370-5000.

Approved Use

You may use PTC trademarks to refer to PTC's products and services, so long as the trademarks are used properly in accordance with these Guidelines. Use of PTC trademarks not in accordance with these Guidelines or of marks that are confusingly similar to PTC trademarks may constitute an infringement of PTC's rights.

You may NOT:

In addition, you may NOT use PTC logos, logotypes or design marks without prior written consent from PTC. For more information regarding use of PTC logos, please review the Third Party Use of PTC Logos document.

Proper PTC Trademark Attribution

All PTC trademarks must be properly attributed. Trademark ownership is attributed in two ways, with the use of a trademark symbol (i.e. TM, SM or ®) after the trademark, and with a trademark legend, usually placed at the end of a document in "mouseprint" directly after the copyright notice.

Trademark Symbols:
The appropriate trademark symbol must be used when making reference to any PTC trademarks. The appropriate symbol for each of PTC's trademarks is indicated on the PTC Trademark List. If a product or trademark is not listed, please contact the PTC legal department.

Wherever possible, the symbol should be placed directly after the trademark, in a superscript and in a size smaller than the mark itself. If you are unable to use the symbols due to the software you are using, you should use parenthetical versions as follows: (R), (tm), or (sm)

The trademark symbol does not need to be included in every use of the trademark. The trademark symbol must always be used:

Trademark Legends:
PTC trademarks and products must be properly identified as originating from PTC by including a brief statement (legend) attributing ownership of these trademarks to PTC. The following legend should be used on all materials that reference PTC trademarks:

PTC, [list PTC trademarks/products referenced in the materials], are trademarks or registered trademarks of PTC Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and in other countries.

In addition:

The legend is usually placed at the end or bottom of marketing materials. In documentation, the notice should be placed in the title page or, when the documentation is on-line, in the about section. The trademark notice may be in a smaller font than the text of the document (i.e. "mouseprint") but it must be legible. Generally 6 point font is the minimum acceptable size.

Proper Usage of PTC Trademarks

PTC trademarks are adjectives (brand names) modifying nouns (the generic product type). Please adhere to the following when using PTC trademarks:

Licensed Use of PTC Trademarks

Under certain alliances or arrangements PTC has licensed the use of its trademarks to third parties. These licenses should be reviewed prior to using PTC trademarks or logos as they often contain certain benefits and obligations not contained in these Guidelines.

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