Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Customizing HTML Clients Using the Windchill JSP Framework > Attachments > Solution > Procedures > Adding primary content to a wizard
Adding primary content to a wizard
To add primary attachment support to a wizard of an object that implements the FormatContentHolder interface you will need to add the applet tag to the main wizard jsp and the primary attachment tag to a wizard step.
On the main wizard jsp (which defines the <jca:wizard tag and the wizard steps) add the following tag definition and fileSelectionAndUploadApplet tag. The tag will render a tiny invisible applet which is used for file browsing and file uploading.
<%@taglib prefix="attachments"
uri="" %>

On the wizard step you will need to add the same taglib definition above (but not the applet tag) and the following tag. This tag will render the actual primary attachment input components such as the file chooser or the url inputs.