Sample Projects and Use Cases > Use Case: Scaling Digital Twin Experiences > Digital Twin 202: Configurations with the Identity Resolution Service (IRS) > Prepare Vuforia Studio
Prepare Vuforia Studio
Before you can create mappings with the IRS, your Vuforia Studio experience needs to be set up properly with a ThingMark and published.
A completed template for this version of the experience can be found in GitHub.
1. Open Vuforia Studio.
2. Create a duplicate of the ScalingDigitalTwinExperiences201 experience that you created in Digital Twin 201: Configurations with Application Parameters. Click Save As the top-left corner of the experience tile. Name the new experience ScalingDigitalTwinExperiences202 and click Duplicate.
3. Once the new ScalingDigitalTwinExperiences202 project appears on the My Projects page, click OPEN PROJECT.
4. Remove the Spatial Target widget from the duplicated experience and replace it with a ThingMark. This allow you to map the experience to a specific ThingMark.
5. Under Configuration, click Experiences. Set ThingMark Association to ThingMarks. Then, assign the experience to one of your ThingMarks associated with your Experience Service.
6. Click Publish. Publishing the project will push the unconfigured version of your experience to the IRS.
Now, let’s create your mappings.