Minimum Steps Required for Use
1. Drag and drop a Model widget onto the canvas.
2. In the Resource field, select an existing CAD file, add a new one, or enter the URL to the file you want to display.
3. Position the model on the canvas as desired.
4. Drag and drop a Wayfinder widget onto the canvas.
5. Make sure that the following properties are set for the Wayfinder widget:
◦ Event radius (m)—for this example, this property is set to 0.5
◦ Wayfinder display boundary (m)—for this example, this property is set to 1
◦ Auto advance—make sure this checkbox is selected
◦ Enabled—make sure this checkbox is selected ![]() 6. Drag the drop the add Waypoint icon ( ![]() ![]() 7. Once you’ve placed the Waypoint, you can update the label by changing the Friendly Name. ![]() 8. Add any additional Waypoints. 9. Once you have all of your Waypoints on the model, you can then reorder them in you project tree if needed. The order that they appear in your project tree dictates the order in which the user will be led to the Waypoints. ![]() 10. Publish the experience, and then view it in Vuforia View. You’ll see the first waypoint appear. ![]() |
Property Name
JavaScript Property
Ribbon Color
Select the color you want the ribbon of the Waypoint to be:
• Orange (Default)
• Red
• Green
• Blue
• Yellow
• Black
• White
• Magenta
• Turquoise
Event Radius (m)
By default, this property is set to 0.5.
When the user enters the event radius around the Waypoint, they have arrived/departed the Waypoint, and the Arrived or Departed event is triggered. This property can be overwritten by the Event Radius (m) of a specific Waypoint.
Wayfinder Display Boundary (m)
By default, this property is set to 2.
When any value above 0 is entered, the reticle and the ribbon will be hidden. To prevent this behavior set the Wayfinder Display Boundary (m) to 0. This property can be overwritten with the Wayfinder Display Boundary (m) property of a specific Waypoint.
Auto Advance
This property is selected by default. If enabled, the Wayfinder will automatically advance navigation to the next Waypoint when a user enters the cutoff radius of a Waypoint.
Returns user to the first Waypoint in the array once the last Waypoint is displayed.
Show Ribbon
This property is selected by default. If enabled, the Wayfinder ribbon will be shown at design and runtime.
Show Waypoints
This property is selected by default. If enabled, Waypoints will be shown at design and runtime.
Show Labels
This property is selected by default. If enabled, labels will be shown at design and runtime.
Labels on Top
This property is not selected by default. If enabled, labels will be shown on top of other objects and not occluded.
This property turns the Wayfinder on or off at runtime. This includies visibility, event logging, event triggering, and services.
Show Reticle
This property is not selected by default. If enabled, the reticle will be shown in the center of the screen during runtime.
Waypoints Data
Array of Waypoints that is zero-indexed.
Selected Waypoint Index
Index of the currently selected Waypoint.
Selected Waypoint Data
Object of the currently selected Waypoint.
Service Name
JavaScript Service
Navigation advances to the next Waypoint.
Navigation goes back to the previous Waypoint.
Event Name
JavaScript Event
Triggered when a user reaches the cutoff radius of a Waypoint.
Triggered when a user leaves the cutoff radius of a Waypoint.