Known Issue: Unable to Upload Files to Vuforia Studio in Chrome for Mac OS
There is currently a known issue in Chrome for Mac where users are unable to upload files to Vuforia Studio when using Chrome and If you are using either of the aforementioned versions of Chrome for Mac, please update to Chrome 123.0.6312.10 to resolve the issue. According to Google, this issue should be resolved in Chrome For more information, see Google’s IssueTracker.
New Project Overwrite Message When Publishing
A new message appears when a user publishes a project that has the same name as an existing published project on the same Experience Service.
Project Name Can Now Be Updated from the Header Bar within a Project
Users can now rename a project by clicking on the project name in the header bar from within a project.
Image Targets Now Generated at Runtime
Image Targets are now generated at runtime, and no longer at design time.
Performance Improvement to Uploading a CAD Model
.glb files no longer appear under Resources to help improve performance when uploading a CAD file.