Get Tickets
Use this action to retrieve details of tickets.
Using the Get Tickets Action
To use this action in your workflow, connect it to ThingWorx Flow. To connect to the flow, do the following:
1. Drag the Get Tickets action under the Zendesk connector to the canvas, place the pointer on the action, and then click or double-click the action. The Get Tickets action window opens.
2. Edit the label name, if needed. By default, the label name is same as the action name.
3. To add a new authorization, refer to the section Authorize Zendesk in the Zendesk connector topic.
If you previously added an authorization for Zendesk, select an authorization from the list.
4. In the Get Tickets list, select one of the following retrieval types:
All — Retrieves all available tickets available in the authorized Zendesk account.
You can sort the tickets by field and order. Under the Sort the result section, do the following:
1. Sort By Field—Enter the name of the field by which you want to sort the tickets.
2. Sorting Order—Select the order in which you want to sort the tickets.
All Tickets of Particular Organization—Select or specify the ID of the organization to retrieve the tickets associated with it.
Requested by Particular User—Select or specify the ID of the user to retrieve the tickets requested by the user.
User is CC’ed—Select or specify the ID of the user to retrieve the tickets for which the user was CC’ed.
Assigned to Particular User—Select or specify the ID of the user to retrieve the tickets assigned to the user.
Recently Viewed—Retrieves the recently viewed tickets in the authorized Zendesk account.
Ticket ID—Select or specify the ID of the ticket that you want to retrieve.
5. Click + to view the additional fields, and then enter the information that follows:
Retrieve Related Records—Enter a comma-separated list of ticket resources whose details you want to include in the result. By default, this action returns only ticket details. If you want to retrieve details of users who requested these tickets, you can enter users here. For more information, see Side-loading.
Page Number—Enter the page number to retrieve the tickets associated with it.
6. Click Done.
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