Upload File
Use this action to upload the specified file.
For more information on the upload files action, refer to the Developers Document for Dropbox.
Using the Upload File Action
To use this action in your workflow, you need to connect it to ThingWorx Flow. To connect to the flow, do the following:
1. Drag the Upload File action under the Dropbox connector to the canvas, place the pointer on the action, and then click or double-click the action. The Upload File action window opens.
2. Edit the label name, if needed. By default, the label name is same as the action name.
3. To add a new authorization, refer to the Authorize Dropbox section in the Dropbox connector topic.
If you previously added a Dropbox connection, select a connection from the list.
4. In the Source File Path field, enter the path of the file stored in flow engine.
5. In the Destination File Path field, select or enter the destination path to upload the file.
6. In the Write Mode field, select one of the following modes to specify an action if the file already exists.
Add—Does not overwrite an existing file if there is a conflict. The autorename strategy is to append a number to the file name. For example, "document.txt" may become "document (2).txt".
Overwrite—Always overwrite the existing file. The autorename strategy is the same as it is for the Add operation.
7. In the Auto Rename field, select true to automatically rename the file or folder that has a similar name to avoid conflicts. The default value is false.
8. Click Done.
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