Search File and Folder Metadata
Use this action to retrieve the files and folders metadata of the name that contains the specified search string.
For more information on the upload files action, refer to the developers documentation for Dropbox.
Using the Search File and Folder Metadata Action
To use this action in your workflow, you need to connect it to ThingWorx Flow. To connect to the flow, do the following:
1. Drag the Search File and Folder Metadata action under the Dropbox connector to the canvas, place the pointer on the action, and then click or double-click the action. The Search File and Folder Metadata action window opens.
2. Edit the label name, if needed. By default, the label name is same as the action name.
3. To add a new authorization, refer to the Authorize Dropbox section in the Dropbox connector topic.
If you previously added a Dropbox authorization, select an authorization from the list.
4. In the Folder Path list, select or enter the path in the your Dropbox to search.
5. In the Search String field, enter the keyword to search the string. The search string is split on spaces into multiple tokens. For file name searching, the last token is used for prefix matching such as "bat c" matches "bat cave" but not "batman car".
6. In the Page Limit field, enter the maximum number of search results to retrieve. The default value is 100.
7. In the Filename only field, select true or false from the list. This restricts search to only match on filenames.
8. In the File Status field, select active or deleted from the list. This restricts search to the given file status.
9. In the Order By field, select Relevance or Last Modified Time from the list. This specifies property of the order of search results.
10. In the File Extensions field, specify the file extension for the searched file. This restricts search to only the extensions specified. This field only supports active file search. Enter comma to separate list of file extensions to be included, e.g., txt, pdf, doc.
11. In the File categories field, select the file type. This restricts search only to the file categories specified. This field only supports active file search. To select the category follow the step below.
Click the arrow to open Categories field.
In the Categories field, select the file category for the searched file.
Select Add to add more categories.
File Extensions and File categories are different filters. In File Extensions field, specify the filetype for the searched file, whereas, in file category select the category from the dropdown option.
Example: If searching for a picture, select image in File categories field and specify filetype as png, jpeg, jpg, in File Extensions field.
12. Click Done.
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