Versionshinweise > Version 8.3 – Versionshinweise > Version 8.3.5 Release Notes
Version 8.3.5 Release Notes
The following bug fixes and enhancements are included in ThingWorx 8.3.5:
Changes were made in 8.3.5 that may potentially affect any application that uses Timer or Scheduler Things. If your application/extension contains Timers or Schedulers, you must verify that the runAsUser setting is not blank before upgrading. If your Timers and Schedulers are set as extension entities with editable Configuration Tables, you must perform a platform restart after the runAsUser has been set to take effect. See Thing Templates for additional information. The following error will be seen in the Application Log if you attempt to import extensions that contain an empty runAsUser field:
Thing State is being set to ERROR because it failed during the initialization phase: The runAsUser field was empty!
Active Directory Enhancements to Improve the User Experience
Added the IsValidGroup service to validate a given Active Directory group name. (TW-34654)
Added a TestConnection service and Verify button that enable you to test the connection to Active Directory from ThingWorx. (TW-47661)
Added an aspect for Visibility to the Configuration Table fields, Administrative Principal Name/Password, to use when Dynamic User Login is enabled. (TW-48639)
Improvements to import validation. (TW-32198).
Updated GetDomainGroups and IsValidGroup services to take credentials to be used when retrieving Active Directory groups (TW-48632)
Added ability to use nested Active Directory groups that are not explicitly mapped to ThingWorx groups. (TW-40762)
Added the ability to authenticate into ThingWorx without needing to configure a service account. Dynamic User login enables a user to log in with a user name and password that bind into Active Directory. (TW-33857)
Added a drop-down list of ThingWorx property names from which to select when mapping an Active Directory attribute to a ThingWorx property for the UserExtension Property Configuration Table. (TW-44988)
Improved Group Mapping by adding a search drop-down for ThingWorx User Groups. After entering an Active Directory group, you can select from the drop-down list or search for a ThingWorx user group. (TW-47924)
Added the ability to test Active Directory configurations without saving the configuration. (TW-47921)
The ability to import extensions is disabled for all users by default in this release. To enable extension importing, parameters must be added and configured in the platform-settings.json file. For more information, see Importing Extensions.
Bug Fixes
Related JIRA
A significant number of security issues have been fixed in this release including major investments in updating third party libraries and handling of data to address cross-site scripting (XSS) issues. It is recommended to upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of these important improvements.
Fixed an issue that was causing the application logs to be flooded with warning messages when remote properties were deleted from a Thing Shape.
Fixed an issue that was causing an incorrect exception stack trace.
Updated the Active Directory UI to hide the Admin User Login and Password fields when the Dynamic User Logic field is checked.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Connection Server from consistently re-connecting to the platform in an HA environment after a failover.
Updated the DispatchingServerCommunicationsModule behavior when saving the WS Communications Subsystem.
A new version of the DSE Extension (DSE-Persistence-Provider-Extension) is available on the PTC Support Site.
TW-50109, TW-48711
Fixed log messages to include exception information on bind failures.
Added the bind protection policy settings in the WebSocket Communications Subsystem that allows you to configure first-in and last-in binding policy.
Fixed an issue that was causing the GetCurrentLicenseInfo service to return more entities than were created.
Changed the websocket behavior from processing messages on a closed websocket to logging.
Fixed an issue that was preventing download links from working in Navigate.
Made a fix to process Auth requests asynchronously.
Added a dropdown to the Provisioned User's User Extension Property Name UI for Active Directory.
Fixed an issue that was causing saving a Thing Template with more than 170,000 Remote Thing references to take too long to save.
Fixed an issue that was blocking the processing of API requests.
Fixed an issue that was preventing an alert from being acknowledged if alert values were changed after the alert was triggered.
Mashup Builder
Related JIRA
Added binding support for the RefreshInterval property on the Auto Refresh widget.
Fixed an issue that was preventing the copy and paste functionality to work in out of the box Grid widgets when the Advanced Grid widget was installed.
Fixed an issue with the Collection widget that was causing performance issues while adding and deleting.
Fixed an issue with the Collection widget that was preventing cells from being displayed when the data change was less than 300 ms.
Fixed an issue that was preventing a Mashup location parameter from being passed into Google maps.
Fixed an issue that was preventing a Mashup using a double byte character on name from loading when set as the home mashup for a user or organization.
Fixed an issue with the Navigation widget that was preventing a context menu from displaying when right-clicked.
Fixed an issue with the List widget's combo box view mode that was preventing the selection of rows with special characters.
Fixed an issue where the RefreshRequested event was not consistently firing when using multiple contained mashups.
Fixed an issue with the List widget combo box option that was causing old values to get retrieved even after clearing the combo box test.
Fixed an issue with Mashups that was causing an iOS user to double tap the screen for some options.
Fixed an issue with the Button widget that was preventing tool tips from disappearing on an iPad.
Fixed an issue with the List widget that was preventing multi-select in combo boxes from displaying pre-selected values.
Fixed an issue that was preventing a Clicked event on a Button widget from firing when clicking between two buttons.