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Thingworx Platform API

Class Metrics

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.thingworx.metrics.Metrics

  • @ThingworxExtensionApiClass(since={8,1,1},
    public class Metrics
    extends java.lang.Object
    A factory class for requesting metrics based on their type.

    Metrics are tracked through a concurrent-safe registry. A metric should be used to track important information that is useful for diagnostics and performance monitoring. All metrics requested must be specified by a key. All metric keys should be appropriately namespaced to avoid potential collisions with other code. For example, the following keys would be appropriate for an extension:

    • "ExampleApp.ExampleTemplate.TheService.invokeCount"
    • "CacheApp.DataCacheTemplate.StoreService.bytesStored"

    There are five types of metrics you can create:

    1. Gauge - A single value to track. The simplest form of metric.
    2. Counter - A numeric metric that allows for relative changes in value, rather than direct assignment.
    3. Statistic - A histogram metric that tracks statistical information, such as averages and percentiles.
    4. List - A list containing single values.
    5. Set - A set that values can be added or removed from. It cannot be directly assigned to.

    The typical use of metrics would be similar to:


    Metrics are persisted across server restarts. It is not necessary to store metric values in a persisted environment, such as a property.

    Note: A metric can only be of one type. If you attempt to get a metric key that was created via a different type, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description