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Thingworx Platform API

Annotation Type ThingworxImplementedShapeDefinition

  • @Target(value=ANNOTATION_TYPE)
    public @interface ThingworxImplementedShapeDefinition

    Specifies the name of a thing shape that this class implements. Any properties, events, services, and subscriptions belonging to the thing shape will be applied to this template or thing. Note that this is functionally identical to specifying the implemented thing shape in the metadata.xml for the thing template.

    It is recommended to use the annotation over metadata if the entity is backed by a Java class.

    See Also:
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element and Description
      java.lang.String name

      Optional parameter: the name of the thing shape that this entity implements.
    • Element Detail

      • name

        public abstract java.lang.String name

        Optional parameter: the name of the thing shape that this entity implements. The name must be identical in case to the entity it is referencing. Specifying an empty name will generate an error.