RemoteAccess Subsystem
The Remote Access Extension adds the RemoteAccessSubsystem to the ThingWorx Platform. This subsystem is generic and is shared by all RemoteAccessProvider Things, which include Axeda Global Access Servers and the ThingWorx Internal Remote Access Provider for AlwaysOn devices.
The RemoteAccess Subsystem is used to persist and update remote sessions. It also generates audit messages for remote sessions. These audit messages are collected by the ThingWorx Audit Subsystem. The Remote Session history is maintained by storing historical Remote Session entries into persistence once they are completed.
Two events result in audit messages, a remote session is created and a remote session is completed. The Remote Access Extension fires these events (SessionCreated and SessionCompleted) to the RemoteAccessible Thing associated with the session when a session is started or completed. The triggering of either of these events results in an audit entry being logged that contains session information.
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