Remote Access Providers
The Remote Access Extension (RAE) provides a generic RemoteAccessProvider Thing Shape. It also provides the generic ThingWorxInternalRemoteAccessProvider Thing that supports remote sessions for AlwaysOn devices, such as devices running the ThingWorx Edge MicroServer (EMS). The Axeda Compatibility Package provides a RemoteAccessProvider Thing for the Axeda Global Access Server, called GASRemoteAccessProvider. This provider supports remote sessions with Axeda Gateway and Axeda Connector Agent assets.
As of v.2.0.0, the eMessage Connector can operate in a high-availability cluster of ThingWorx Platform instances. The Connector calls a service to register a GAS with a ThingWorx Platform. Depending on the synchronization of models across the ThingWorx Platform instances in a cluster, the GAS registration could fail. To remedy this situation, the eMessage Connector has the Retry Service that runs at configured intervals for a configured number of times to register a GAS. For more information about this service, refer to Retry Service for GAS Registration.
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