Monitoring and Troubleshooting the eMessage Connector > Troubleshooting the eMessage Connector > Scenarios for Common Problems > Observation 9: Platform-initiated file downloads are not downloaded by an asset
Observation 9: Platform-initiated file downloads are not downloaded by an asset
User Actions
The user must perform the following actions when faced with this error:
Check if you received any errors while enqueuing file uploads via the FileTransferSubsystem Copy() service of the ThingWorx Platform. Ensure that you have set the values of the following parameters correctly:
Selected the queueable and async properties (or set to true) for edge-controlled file uploads.
Have set the targetRepo property to the edge Thing Name.
Have set the sourceRepo property to a valid File Repository Thing, such as SystemRepository.
Check if you have set the Copy() targetFile or Copy() targetPath parameters to valid values that the agent can handle.
Check if you have set the Copy() sourceFile or Copy() sourcePath parameters to a valid file that can be found in the File Repository.
Check if the agent is still polling and if the lastConnection property of the Thing is updating. In case of any issues, refer to Observation 2: The lastConnection property of the Thing does not update.
Verify if you created a subscription to monitor FileTransfer events on either the target repository (edge Thing) or the source repository (SystemRepository Thing).
Check the agent log. If possible, enable debugging log messages at the edge for the agent. Verify if your agent can receive upload file egress from the Connector. Also, verify if the agent can upload chunks without error.
Check if the download was delayed due to maximum edge-controlled allowed violation of the File Transfer Subsystem service for the ThingWorx Platform. To do this, review the following configuration settings:
Max Edge-Controlled File Transfers Allowed
Max Edge-Controlled File Transfers Allowed Per Thing
Timeout for Edge-Controlled File Transfers
Additionally, monitor the results of the following FileTransferSubsystem service calls to check if the count reaches the maximum threshold allowed or maximum allowed per Thing threshold value:
Determine why transfer jobs are not being completed and eventually timing out, thus delaying the start of file downloads.
Check if the agent file system has run out of disk space. The lack of disk space does not allow the download to complete. In this scenario, the agent sends a PackageStatus error to the eMessage Connector. The eMessage Connector processes the PackageStatus error and removes the transfer job from the ThingWorx Platform.
Check if the file download failed due to file deletion on the File Repository before the agent has downloaded the file.
Administrator Actions
In addition to the steps that the user performs, the administrator must perform the following steps when faced with this error:
Review the Connector logs to determine if any exceptions are present. If exceptions are present, refer to Exceptions Observed in the Log for eMessage Connector.
Verify that you have set the connection configuration option to the correct value. The syntax is: https, EXTERNAL host name, port.
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