Connector Exception 13: File Upload Failure — Max Number of Jobs Per Thing Exceeded
This Connector exception appears if file uploads that were initiated by the Axeda agent or by the ThingWorx Platform are not showing up in their target destinations,. For more information, refer to Observation 7: Agent-initiated file uploads do not reach ThingWorx Platform.
Here is a scenario that could result in this exception being thrown:
1. Start ThingWorx Platform.
2. Start eMessage Connector.
3. Modify the value of Max File Transfers Allowed Per Thing in Offline Queue configuration setting of the ThingWorx File Transfer Subsystem from 10 to 1.
4. Start an agent that sent an upload request for a large uncompressed file (10M)
... [NettyClient-NIO-5] ERROR c.t.p.e.s.f.UploadFileServiceImpl -
Error detected when calling Copy() when processing agent upload request
com.Thingworx.sdk.api.concurrent.RequestException: Server returned an error
with status STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR and message: Unable to dispatch
[ uri = /Subsystems/FileTransferSubsystem/Services/Copy/]: Unable to Invoke
Service Copy on FileTransferSubsystem : Unable to enqueue file transfer since
the queue is full maxQueueSize=1, ThingName=Weather1, jobTid=<generated_identifier>
Connector Exception 13: File upload failure due to max offline queue size per Thing
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