ThingWorx Connection Server > Pre-requisites to Installation
Pre-requisites to Installation
Before You Begin
IMPORTANT! The 9.1.0 and later versions of the Connection Server support Oracle JDK 11 and Amazon Corretto 11 (OpenJDK 11) as well as Oracle JDK 8. However, Oracle JDK 8 is at end of life in December 2020, so it is strongly recommended that you upgrade to Java 11. It has important security enhancements and fixes.
Before installing and configuring a Connection Server, you must perform the following tasks:
If you plan to use Java 11, best practice is to perform a fresh installation of Oracle JDK 11 or Amazon Corretto 11 and then perform a fresh installation of the Connection Server.
Oracle JDK 8 is at end of life in December 2020, so it is strongly recommended that you upgrade to Java 11. It has important security enhancements and fixes. If you must continue to use Java 8, make sure the version of Java 8 that matches your encryption requirements is installed:
For 128-bit encryption keys, JDK v.1.8.0_u141 or later
For 256-bit encryption keys, JDK v.1.8.0_u162 or later
If you want to run in a ThingWorx High Availability (HA) Cluster, you must install ThingWorx Platform version 9.0.0 or later. For information about ThingWorx HA clusters, refer to the ThingWorx High Availability section of the ThignWorx v.9.0.0 Help Center. You should also check the Support Matrix document for the exact version and build numbers required for HA support.
Before configuring the Connection Server, make sure that you have created an application key for the Connection Server to use when communicating with a ThingWorx Platform.
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