Contents of the eMessage Connector Archive
The top-level directory for the Connector is emessage-connector-<version>, where <version> represents the version number of the eMessage Connector. In that directory are the libraries and executables for the Connector. In addition, this top-level directory provides the configuration files that you will use to configure the Connector and also logging for the Connector. The table below lists the main directories and briefly describes their content:
emessage-ha-sample.conf, emessage-sample.conf
The sample configuration file that you will use as a basis to configure the eMessage Connector for your environment.
The very long configuration file that contains all of the possible configuration property groups and properties for the Connector. You may want to review this file to learn what options are available when fine-tuning your Connector. and
License file for the eMessage Connector and markdown (.md) file containing the licenses for the third-party software used by the Connector.
The configuration file for Logback, the logging mechanism used by the Connector
A text file that explains how to customize the logging for eMessage Connector in your environment.
/bin/emessage, /bin/emessage.bat
The executable files for starting the Connector on Linux and Windows.
/bin/smoketest, /bin/smoketest.bat
The executable files for running the smoke test for the Connector on Linux and Windows.
The many jar files that provide the functionality for the Connector. This directory includes the JAR files for third-party software used by the Connector.
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