Troubleshooting the Smoke Test
The sections below provide suggestions for actions that you can take to troubleshoot problems that may occur at each validation step in the smoke test.
Smoke Test 1 — Validate Configuration
Validate the configuration file of the eMessage Connector. (ConfigurationValidator class)
1. Make sure that you specified a valid URL for the eMessage Connector on the command line, including a valid port number. A port is required, even if you are using a default port, such as 443 or 80.
2. If you have not already set the EMESSAGE_OPTS environment variable with the path to the configuration file for the Connector, refer to Setting the Environment Variable.
3. Check the configuration file (emessage.conf) to ensure that all of the required properties have been set. The required properties enable the Connector to communicate with ThingWorx platform:
A valid WebSocket URL, which you specify for the value of the property, cx-server.transport.websockets.platforms.
A valid application key, which you specify for the value of the property,
For more information about the properties in the configuration file, refer to Configuring the eMessage Connector.
Smoke Test 2 — Connect to ThingWorx
Validate the connection to the ThingWorx Platform. (ConnectToPlatformValidator)
1. Check the configuration file to ensure that a valid WebSocket URL is specified in the property, cx-server.transport.websockets.platforms. Make sure that you use a valid port number and that the URL starts with wss: if ThingWorx Platform is configured for SSL/TLS.
2. Check the configuration file to ensure that a valid application key is specified in the property,
3. Check for any firewall issues between the smoke test and ThingWorx platform.
4. Check the logs for the ThingWorx Platform for an issue with the connection that may have been reported there.
5. Check that the SSL/TLS certificate that is installed in Tomcat (ThingWorx Platform) is not missing root or intermediate certificates.
To correct the missing root or intermediate certificates, refer to Missing Root or Intermediate Certificates
Note that in this scenario, the eMessage Connector has the same connection failures and thus validation Tests 3 through 9 will fail.
Smoke Test 3 — ConnectionServicesHub Thing Exists?
Validate that the ConnectionServicesHub Thing exists. (ConnectionServicesHubExistsValidator )
1. Check that the Connection Services Extension (CSE) was imported to the ThingWorx Platform. If not, refer to Importing the Extensions.
2. Check the configuration file to determine if a valid Thing Name was specified for the Connection Services Hub in the property,
3. Make sure that the Connector is running The Connector creates the hub Thing on startup. You may want to restart the Connector in debug mode to watch for the creation of the Connection Services Hub.
4. If you have access to them, check the ThingWorx Platform logs for errors.
Smoke Test 4 — Create a test Thing
Validate creating test Thing on the ThingWorx Platform (CreateTestThingValidator)
1. Check that the Axeda Compatibility Extension (ACE) has been imported to the ThingWorx Platform. If not, refer to Importing the Extensions.
This test creates a Thing using the AxedaStandaloneModel Thing Template that is installed with this extension.
This test also sets the modelNumber and serialNumber properties on this Thing. These properties are defined with this extension.
2. If you have access to them, check the ThingWorx Platform logs for errors.
Smoke Test 5 — Registration
Validate sending a registration message to the eMessage Connector. (SendRegistrationValidator)
1. Make sure that test 4 passed. Test 4 creates the Thing used by this test.
2. Check the eMessage Connector log for errors.
3. Check ThingWorx Platform logs for errors.
4. Check if the SSl/TLS certificate installed in the eMessage Connector is missing root or intermediate certificates:
To correct the missing root or intermediate certificates, refer to Missing Root or Intermediate Certificates
Note that in this scenario, the eMessage Connector has the same connection failures and thus validation Tests 3 through 9 will fail.
Smoke Test 6 — Send Data Item
6. Validate sending DataItem messages to the eMessage Connector. (SendDataItemsValidator)
1. Make sure that test 4 passed. Test 4 creates the Thing used by this test.
2. Check the eMessage Connector log for errors.
3. If you have access to them, check the ThingWorx Platform logs for errors.
Smoke Test 7 — Set a Property
Set a property of a Thing, send an eMessage ping, and then validate that the SetDataItem egress was received. (SetPropertyAndProcessEgress-Validator)
1. Make sure that test 4 passed. Test 4 creates the Thing used by this test.
2. Check the eMessage Connector log for errors.
3. If you have access to them, check the ThingWorx Platform logs for errors.
Smoke Test 8 — Upload a File
8. Send a file upload request message to the eMessage Connector and then validate that the file is uploaded. (FileUploadValidator)
1. Check that the connection configuration option, emessage.file-transfer.upload.url, is set correctly. For example :https:// <EXTERNAL_host_name>:<port> .
To correct the issue, refer to Correcting SSL certificate CN to hostname mismatch.
Smoke Test 9 — Download a File
9. Queue a file download, using the Copy service, and validate that a file is downloaded. (FileDownloadValidator)
1. Check that the connection configuration option,, is set correctly. For example :https:// <EXTERNAL_host_name>:<port> .
To correct the issue, refer to Correcting SSL certificate CN to hostname mismatch.
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