Invoking ClearCacheEntry for the ThingNameStash
To clear the ThingNameStash:
1. Log in to ThingWorx Composer.
2. Navigate to the ConnectionServicesHub Thing.
3. Run the ClearCacheEntry service, using the following inputs
$(Thing.modelNumber)|| $(Thing.serialNumber)
Leave blank.
Example 2. Using the ClearCacheEntry Service
For example, a new Thing is created in ThingWorx with a ThingName of "MyExampleThing". The modelNumber is set to "myModel" and the serialNumber is set to "mySerialNumber". The first time that this asset connects to the eMessage Connector, a cache entry will be generated and the Thing name will be stored in the ThingNameStash. The cachekey will be "myModel||mySerialNumber".
If another Thing is created in ThingWorx with a ThingName of "MyNewExampleThing" with the same combination of modelNumber and serialNumber, a new cache entry for this new Thing would have the same cacheKey as another Thing. The previously created Thing will be found and matched to an incoming message, and it will appear that the new Thing ("MyNewExampleThing") is not communicating. To prevent this condition, invoke the ClearCacheEntry service using the cacheName, "MyExampleThing" and the cacheKey, "myModel||mySerialNumber". When the asset next contacts the Connector, the message will be matched with and sent to the newer Thing (named "MyNewExampleThing").
Capturing Thread Dumps
Capture at least 3 periodic thread dumps at an interval of 30 seconds from the eMessage Connector. Review the thread dumps and search for potential deadlock scenarios. To resolve any issues, refer to Troubleshooting the eMessage Connector. Contact support if the problem persists
If you are unable to resolve your problem, contact PTC Support.
Correcting SSL certificate CN to contain the correct host name
Complete either of the following steps to correct the SSL certificate CN to contain the correct host name:
Recreate the SSL certificate to have the correct CN host name or wildcard. This is the most secure fix.
Create an /etc/hosts entry to match the host name specified by the certificate CN. Add the FQDN of the certificate CN and match it to the IP address of the Connector.
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