Connected Field Service > Using the Connected Field Service Accelerator > Sample Business Processes > HeliumLow (PTC.CSLM.Demo.BPE.HeliumLow)
HeliumLow (PTC.CSLM.Demo.BPE.HeliumLow)
The HeliumLow business process is started when a demo MRI machine receives a “HeliumLevel - Low” alert, as shown in the following images:
The alert is configured on the HeliumLevel property of the ThingTemplate for these Things:
When the HeliumLevel property on an MRI machine reaches zero, a “Low” alert is created.
The HeliumLow business process listens for the event and starts a new process for the MRI machine. This process has a step that calls a service method on the ServiceMax Connector.
At this point, the ServiceMax Connector creates a Work Order in ServiceMax and the business process completes.