User Help > Viewing Item Data in Reports > Creating a Report
Creating a Report
im createreport
The Report Wizard guides you through the steps required to create a report. The wizard works the same way in the GUI and in the Web interface. When creating a report, you select a report type that determines how the report data is organized.
Integrity Lifecycle Manager client provides default report types; however, your administrator can create custom report types. The two report types are:
Basic reports
Basic reports allow you to select the item fields to include in the report and specify how the report data sorts.
Detail reports
Detail reports allow you to select component fields (item fields, change package fields, attachment fields, time entry fields, and fields on related items) to include in the report and how the report data sorts.
Key Considerations
The report types, template preview images, styles, and logos available in the wizard are Integrity Lifecycle Manager defaults and/or created by your administrator. To modify these elements or create your own, see your administrator or the Integrity Lifecycle Manager Installation and Upgrading Guide.
Only HTML based report types display long text fields formatted with rich content and allow HTML formatting in the output. For XML and CSV report types, HTML formatting options do not display in the report wizard panels and any HTML tags in rich content fields are discarded.
Reports can do more than just display field information. You can also perform arithmetic calculations between numeric fields, displaying the values in the report. For example, you can add up column totals or count the number of items in a specific state. To perform these calculations, you create a computed expression.
You cannot create or edit a query while creating a report.
A report can be edited by the user who created it. Principals (users and groups) that a report is shared with can edit it if they have edit permissions assigned to them by the report creator. Only the report creator or an administrator can delete the report.
Because reports are based on queries, reports are subject to visibility rules set by your administrator. Visibility rules restrict access to specific information based on project and/or item type. For more information, see the Integrity Lifecycle Manager Installation and Upgrading Guide, or contact your administrator.
Symbolic dates in rules and queries are evaluated on the Integrity Lifecycle Manager client’s time zone.
If you do not specify a date or date/time format where applicable, the following defaults are provided: date format with a standard locale-specific date or date/time format with a standard locale-specific date that includes hours and minutes.
Relevance and editability rules are evaluated on the Integrity Lifecycle Manager client’s time zone.
Computed expressions return dates/times in the Integrity Lifecycle Manager client’s time zone and perform calculations in the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server’s time zone where appropriate.
Report types “Detail - HTML, Column, Relationships Context” and “Detail - HTML, Column, Relationships Structure” result in large reports that can take a long time to display in a browser window.
The report type “Basic - HTML, Schedule” displays one month before and after the current day. Values that exceed 30 days are ignored.
Creating deeply nested reports with a large number of inter-related items can create extremely large reports and/or cause the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server to stop responding. When creating a report, take into consideration that the average number of links per item and the number of levels in the report multiply the size of the report.
Although the electronic signature fields Signed By and Signature Comment are only visible in an item’s history (if enabled by your administrator), you can report on the historical values by specifying the fields in the report wizard.
If document versioning is enabled, the report types created by your administrator may include report tags to filter by live or versioned items. If a report type does not include the appropriate filter, contact your administrator or modify the backing query to include a query filter that displays live or versioned items.
The Integrity Lifecycle Manager client GUI and Web interface include icons to indicate live fields () and ambiguous computed fields () in versioned items; however, reports cannot display these icons. Your administrator may include report tags to indicate whether or not field values in a report are live or ambiguous.
Your administrator can configure report recipes to display in your locale.
To create a report
Report Wizard: Segment Attributes Panel
Report Wizard: Group By Panel
Report Wizard: Sort By Panel
Report Wizard: Field Computations Panel
Report Wizard: Change Package Type Panel
Report Wizard: Change Package Attributes Panel
Report Wizard: Change Package Entry Attributes Panel
Report Wizard: Attachment Fields Panel
Report Wizard: Attachment Attributes Panel
Report Wizard: Test Result Fields Panel
Report Wizard: Test Step Results Panel
Report Wizard: Test Result Attachment Attributes Panel
Report Wizard: Test Result Related Items Panel
Report Wizard: Time Entry Fields Panel
Report Wizard: Relationship Fields Panel
Report Wizard: Relationship Filter Panel
Report Wizard: References Panel
Report Wizard: History Panel
Add Expression or Edit Expression Dialog Box
Format Layout for field name Dialog Box
Report Wizard