Getting Started > Client Installation > Setting Up Integrity Lifecycle Manager Help
Setting Up Integrity Lifecycle Manager Help
Integrity Lifecycle Manager product help is accessed through the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server. To retrieve help on the server, the server’s default connection must be defined in the Integrity Lifecycle Manager client’s Default Server Connection and Online Help preference, and the server must be available to display the requested help topic in a Web browser.
In some cases, Integrity Lifecycle Manager help may be accessed through a proxy server or a non-Integrity Lifecycle Manager server:
If you have a proxy server defined, then help is retrieved from the proxy.
If you have an older Integrity Lifecycle Manager client and you request help from a newer Integrity Lifecycle Manager server, then help requests may be redirected to a non-Integrity Lifecycle Manager server. In this case, help for the older client version may be retrieved from another server or from the PTC Web site; this may require additional logon information. Your administrator defines the server configuration on the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server. The client configuration is defined to the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server, even if requests are subsequently redirected to a different server.
To assist with maintaining a valid configuration, the help server is validated when you start the client and when you change the client’s preferences. If the server was not reached successfully, a subsequent help request displays a warning message to notify you of the problem; either the specified server is invalid or currently unavailable, or the default server connection is not defined.
If the server is not defined, you can click Help in the warning message to access this page locally. Follow the instructions described later in this document to set up a default server connection.
If the server is invalid or unavailable and it may be available now, you can click OK to ignore the warning message. If the server is available, the requested help displays in a Web browser. If the server is not available, a Web browser error displays.
Clicking OK to ignore the warning message disables it from redisplaying again until the server is revalidated; either during a client restart or after clicking OK in the Preferences Configuration window.
You can display this page at any time in the Integrity Lifecycle Manager client or Administration Client by selecting Help > Integrity Help Setup, or by clicking Help in the warning message that displays when help on the server is unreachable.
To set up a default server connection for the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server and online help