CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual
The following options are available with the above commands to
create dimensioning.
{1} --->--+(*)-(:PARALLEL)-------------------+--->
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
(*) not available in (AM_CREATE_DIM_TANGDIA)
{1a} --->--+--(:DIRECT)-----------+--->
| |
| |
| |
{2} --->--+--(:PREFIX)-------|text|---+--->
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
{3} --->--+--(:GET_ALL)----------------+--->
| |
| |
{4} --->--+--(:TOL_TYPE)--+--(:TOL_NONE)-----+--->
| | |
| +--(:TOL_LIMIT)----+
| | |
| +--(:TOL_UL)-------+
| | |
| +--(:TOL_PM)-------+
| |
+--(:LIMIT1)---|1st limit value|---+
| |
+--(:LIMIT2)---|2nd limit value|---+
| |
+--(:UPPER)---|upper value|--------+
| |
+--(:LOWER)---|lower value|--------+
| |
+--(:PM_VALUE)---|p/m value|-------+
{5} --->--+--(:GET_ALL_TOL)----------------+--->
| |
| |
- :PARALLEL specifies parallel dimensioning along an inclined plane.
- :PARALLEL_ANGLE specifies the angle from the parallel at which the
dimensioning is determined.
- :HORIZONTAL specifies horizontal dimensioning.
- :VERTICAL specifies vertical dimensioning.
- :PARALLEL_TO specifies dimensioning parallel to a given reference line.
- :PERPEND_TO specifies dimensioning perpendicular to a given reference line.
- :DIRECT specifies direct angular dimensioning.
- :OPPOSITE specifies dimensioning of the opposite angle.
- :ADJACENT-POS specifies dimensioning of the positive adjacent angle.
- :ADJACENT-NEG specifies dimensioning of the negative adjacent angle.
- :PREFIX specifies prefix text for the dimension.
- :PRE_SIZE determines the size of the prefix text.
- :POSTFIX specifies postfix text for the dimension.
- :POST_SIZE determines the size of the postfix text.
- :SUBFIX specifies subfix text for the dimension.
- :SUB_SIZE determines the size of the subfix text.
- :SUPERFIX specifies superfix text for the dimension.
- :SUPER_SIZE determines the size of the superfix text.
- :GET_ALL opens the All Fix Texts table displaying all available
prefix, postfix, subfix, and superfix information.
- :PUT_ALL determines whether to add (:YES) the current "fix"
information to the All Fix Texts table or not (:NO).
- :TOL_TYPE selects the type of tolerancing to use:
- :TOL_NONE ... no tolerancing
- :TOL_LIMIT ... limit tolerancing
- :TOL-UL ... upper/lower value tolerancing
- :TOL_PM ... plus/minus tolerancing
- :LIMIT1 specifies the first limit value.
- :LIMIT2 specifies the second limit value.
- :UPPER specifies the upper tolerance value.
- :LOWER specifies the lower tolerance value.
- :PM_VALUE specifies the plus/minus tolerance value.
- :GET_ALL_TOL opens the All Tolerance Values table displaying all available
tolerance value information.
- :PUT_ALL_TOL determines whether to add (:YES) the current tolerance
information to the All Tolerance Values table or not (:NO).
AM_CREATE_DIM_ANGLE terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_ARC terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_CHAIN terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_CHAMFER terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_COORD terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_DIAMETER terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_DTLONG terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_DTSHORT terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_RADIUS terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_SINGLE terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_SYMLONG terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_SYMSIN terminate action,
AM_CREATE_DIM_TANGDIA terminate action