AM_MOD_HATCH_PATTERN modifies the pattern of all automatic hatching of a part.
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---->(AM_MOD_HATCH_PATTERN)---+---(:HATCH_PART)----|hatched part|-------+----->
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+---(:HATCH_PATTERN)---|"pattern name"|---+
- :HATCH_PART selects a hatched part. The hatched part will be modified in all views and sheets.
- :HATCH_PATTERN specifies the new hatch pattern. Enter the pattern name within
double quotes (" ").
Use this action to change the pattern of automatic hatching. This is useful
to distinguish between hatching on different parts.
AM_MOD_HATCH_ANGLE terminate action,
AM_MOD_HATCH_COLOR terminate action,
AM_MOD_HATCH_DIST terminate action,
AM_MOD_HATCH_LINETYPE terminate action,
AM_MOD_HATCH_REF_POINT terminate action