AM_MOD_HATCH_ANGLE modifies the angle of all automatic hatching of a part.
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---->(AM_MOD_HATCH_ANGLE)---+---(:HATCH_PART)---|hatched part|----+----->
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- :HATCH_PART selects a hatched part. The hatched part will be modified in all views and sheets.
- :HATCH_ANGLE determines the new angle for the hatch.
Use this action to change the angle of automatically-created
hatching. This is useful to distinguish between hatching on different parts.
AM_MOD_HATCH_COLOR terminate action,
AM_MOD_HATCH_DIST terminate action,
AM_MOD_HATCH_LINETYPE terminate action,
AM_MOD_HATCH_PATTERN terminate action,
AM_MOD_HATCH_REF_POINT terminate action