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User Interface Construction Toolkit - Common UI Control Properties

Common UI Control Properties

Property Data Type Description
:alignment KEYWORD Title or item alignment of a control. This can be one of the following keywords:
  • :left
  • :center
  • :right
:cellSize GPNT2D Describes the size of a single cell of a grid area measured in pixels. The x value of this 2D vector is the width of the cell and the y value is the height of the cell (size always in pixels). See this picture for a visual explanation.
Use sd-get-default-grid-size to retrieve the default grid size which depends on your Windows properties like used font etc.
:disabledImage STRING Image to appear on the control in case the control is disabled.
Note: To see the image, you must specify an :image too, otherwise you would see only the control title. In case you specify an :image but no :disabledImage, :image will be shown on the disabled control as well.
:frame BOOLEAN Flag to indicate whether the (grid) area should have a border frame or not
:height FIXNUM Height of the control measured in grid units.
Example: If you would specify 2 as height in case of the default :cellSize of 10,10, your control would be 20 pixels high.
See this picture for a visual explanation.
:image STRING Name of a valid image to be displayed on the control instead of a string title. The image has to be created before using the function sd-create-image.
:margin FIXNUM Margin between the border of a (grid) area and its child controls. The top-left cell with grid coordinates 0,0 is actually located at margin,margin (default: 3,3) pixels within the parent area.
See this picture for a visual explanation.
:spacing FIXNUM Spacing between single controls within a grid area (measured in pixels).
See this picture for a visual explanation.
:title STRING Title to be shown on the control
:width FIXNUM Width of the control measured in grid units.
Example: If you would specify 10 as width in case of the default :cellSize of 10,10, your control would be 100 pixels wide.
See this picture for a visual explanation.
:x FIXNUM X coordinate of the control within the parent grid area measured in grid units.
See this picture for a visual explanation.
:y FIXNUM Y coordinate of the control within the parent grid area measured in grid units.
See this picture for a visual explanation.

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