Searching the Structure or Design > MCAD Searches > To Search for MCAD Attributes
To Search for MCAD Attributes
1. Click Home > Find > Search. The Search Product Structure dialog box opens.
2. In the Query Name box, type a name for a new query, or select a previously-defined name from the list.
3. To determine the scope of the search, select a Search Against option from the list.
4. In Do query of type, select Attribute. The dialog box updates.
5. Set the attribute to search for in one of these ways:
Next to Attribute, type the name of the attribute.
To select an attribute from a list of previously-defined attributes, click Choose. The Select Attribute dialog box opens. Select the attribute, and then click OK.
6. To set the attribute category, click Choose. The Select Attribute Categories dialog box opens. Select the attribute category, and then click OK.
7. Next to Comparison, select one of these types:
The Condition category selection updates.
You can only search for multiple values when the comparison type is String.
8. Next to Condition, select one of these types:
String—Select Matches or Does not match.
Numeric—Apply basic arithmetic operators.
Existence—Select Exists or Does not exist.
9. To define one or more values, follow the steps below. To search for an attribute, skip to step 11.
a. Select Value.
b. Type the value in the box.
c. To add more values, click More. The Multiple Search Values dialog box opens.
d. Type one or more values and click OK. The values are added.
10. To set the attribute, follow these steps:
a. Click Choose. The Select Attribute dialog box opens.
b. Select an attribute, and then click OK.
11. The Ignore case check box is selected by default. To make the search case sensitive, clear the check box.
12. To add more rules to the query, see To Create a Multiline Search Query.
13. Click Apply:
The search runs.
The Query Name is saved.
The results appear in the Results pane in the upper data panel.
14. To save the search results as a group, click Save As Group.
15. Click OK. The search results appear in the Results pane in the upper data panel and the Search Product Structure dialog box closes.