To Save a Figure As an External File Type
You can optionally select a figure in the C3DI file and save it as an external image, 2D illustration, or 3D file. For example, to save a figure as a 2D illustration file in ISO, CGM, or SVG format:
1. Select the figure to export by clicking its thumbnail image in the primary panel Figures tab.
2. From the File menu, choose Save Figure As and then click Save As Illustration File.
3. Specify the file location, name and type, and click Save.
4. View and change 2D illustration export settings, and then click OK. The figure is saved and then opened in Arbortext IsoDraw (if installed).
2D illustrations are saved without shading as HLR (Hidden Lines Removed) line drawings—even if the 3D figure is shaded in Creo Illustrate.