To Edit the Figure
You can edit the figure in any of the following ways:
• Change the appearance of items in the figure and your view of the figure.
◦ To change the appearance of items: Select objects in the graphics area or click item names in the sBOM tree. Use the navigation, display, and location tools on the ribbon to change the size, position, orientation, and graphical style of the selected items in the figure.
◦ Use mouse button and wheel actions in the graphics area to move, rotate, and zoom your camera view of the figure.
• Add section views and exploded views (with optional explode lines) to the figure using tools on the Sectioning and Tools tabs in the ribbon.
• Generate an automatic item list and automatic callouts for selected sBOM items in the figure using tools in the Item List tab in the ribbon.
◦ The item list for the current figure appears in the lower data panel Item List tab.
◦ Click items in the item list to select their corresponding items (with optional callouts) in the figure.
◦ Double-click callouts in the figure to edit their label text and leader lines.
• Add animation to the figure using the Advanced animation editing tools on the Animation tab in the ribbon.
◦ Use the Record Content tool on the Animation tab to record changes to content (items in the current figure).
◦ Use the Record Camera tool on the Animation tab to record changes to your camera view of the figure.
◦ While editing an animation sequence, use tools in the Keyframe Editor tab in the lower data panel to modify tracks and keyframes.