To Publish One or More Figures
1. To immediately publish figures, go to step 2. To set the publishing options and then publish, follow these steps:
a. Click > > . The Publish Settings dialog box opens.
Figures are divided into tabbed lists by their type: 2D Figures, 3D Figures and Schematic Figures. Available publishing options are displayed in the columns of each list.
b. Select one or more figures to publish, and then select each format to create:
▪ When two or more figures are selected, you can select the format check box of any row to publish all selected figures to that format.
▪ To select all the figures to publish to a format, select the check box in the column header.
c. Publish and open the figures or just publish the figures:
▪ To publish the figures, click Publish.
▪ To publish the figures, and then automatically open them in Creo View, click the arrow next to Publish, and then click Publish and View. The Publish to PVZ File dialog box opens. Go to step 3.
| To apply the publishing options without publishing, click OK. |
2. Publish and open the figures or just publish the figures:
◦ To publish the figures and automatically open them in Creo View, click > > .
◦ To publish the figures only, click > .
The Publish to PVZ File dialog box opens.
3. Accept the default location, the same folder in which the C3DI file is located, or browse to a new location.
4. To rename the file, type a name in the File name box. By default, name.c3di is saved as name.pvz.
5. Click
Save. The selected figures are published. For a
Publish and View operation, the figures open in Creo View.