About Localizing Text
Your company may require localized versions of illustrations, with text, such as annotations, sequence steps, or attributes, in another language. You can work in one language, and then automatically compile the list of text strings to localize. Text from 3D and Schematic illustrations can be localized into one or more target languages.
Define the default settings of the source language, target languages, and types of text elements to localize on the General-Localization page of the Creo Illustrate Options dialog box. When you define the localization settings, an XLIFF (*.xlf) file is created with the text strings from the figure. The XLIFF files are saved in the illustration’s C3DI file. The localized strings are saved with the published file when publishing to 3D. The source language is listed in the Info dialog box.
Export the file to a translation service to be localized. Then, you can import the strings manually, or receive automatic updates from Windchill:
• Manual—You can reimport the file with the localized text to the C3DI file in Creo Illustrate.
You can maintain multiple files in Creo Illustrate: one for each target language, such as de.xlf for German and fr.xlf for French. Annotations that contain words stored in the XLIFF files appear in the figure in the selected preview. You can preview the source and localized text strings in the Localization pane.
You can create a multi-figure illustration with localization turned off. Open the illustration later and activate the localization options to populate the localization files of all the figures in the illustration without opening them.
For more information about maintaining XLIFF files, refer to the
OASIS website.
Localizable Text Elements
The following text elements can be localized:
Illustration Type
• Notes, with or without leader
• Step description
• Step note
• Step name
• Attributes—Name, value, or both
• Title Block Text in template, user-added text, and referenced attributes
• Label
• Note