Working with Markups > Annotations > Halos > About Halos
About Halos
You can add colored halos to these lines in a figure:
Explode lines
Notes with leaders
Page Borders
You set one appearance for all the halos in a figure. By default, the halo effect you set is applied to all the lines in the figure. You can also turn it on or off separately for each annotation. Use the Creo Illustrate Options menu to set these appearance options:
Sets the width as a multiple of the line weight, from 0.5 to 10.0. For example, if the leader line weight is 2 points and the halo weight is 3.0, the halo on the leader line is 6.0 points wide, or, 2.0 points wide on each side of the leader line.
Sets a percentage of opacity, from 0 to 100.
Applies a color selected from the Choose Color dialog box.
Determines whether the halo includes end caps:
Normal—Includes end caps for lines.
Short—Does not include end caps for lines.
Creates a continuous halo, even when the leader line or explode line is broken. This option is selected by default. It does not affect the setting for Style. If you clear this check box, the halo contains breaks to match the leader line or explode line.
A border halo is always solid.