Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Additional Information > Working with Functions > Function Definition Dialog Box > Interpolation Method
Interpolation Method
Use this option to select the interpolation method for each variable. The first drop-down list specifies a method for the independent variable, and the second drop-down list for the dependent variable. Each drop-down list contains these two options:
LinearCreo Simulate linearly interpolates the variable between values.
LogarithmicCreo Simulate linearly interpolates the log of the variable between values.
If a table function has a zero value for an independent variable, logarithmic interpolation fails between zero and the neighboring independent values in the interpolation table.
If a table function has a zero value for a dependent variable, logarithmic interpolation fails between zero and the neighboring dependent values in the interpolation table.
Logarithmic interpolation is not allowed for force-deflection curves since force-deflection curves must pass through (0,0).
Return to Table Function Type or To Create a Table Function.