Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate Results Window > Results for Native Mode > Viewing Results > Capping and Cutting Surfaces > Results Surface Definition Dialog Box
Results Surface Definition Dialog Box
When you click View > New, the Results Surface Definition dialog box opens. Use this dialog box to define cutting and capping surfaces in your model.
The dialog box includes these items:
Type—Select Cutting surface or Capping surface, as applicable.
You can create only one capping surface for your result window. If you create a capping surface in a result window, the View > New command becomes inactive until you delete the capping surface.
You can create multiple cutting surfaces for your result window. Once you create one cutting surface, Creo Simulate deactivates the Type drop-down list, and from that point forward you can add cutting surfaces only. If you delete all your cutting surfaces, you will again be able to create capping surfaces.
Define By—Select the method for defining the surface.
Plane—Select the plane the surface lies in. This area does not appear if you define your cutting or capping surface as an isosurface.
Location—For capping surfaces only, select one of these option buttons:
Above—Cap the model above the capping surface. In this case, Creo Simulate fringes the model below the capping surface and hides the fringe display above the capping surface.
Below—Cap the model below the capping surface. In this case, Creo Simulate fringes the model above the capping surface and hides the fringe display below the capping surface.
Depth—Enter the depth of the cutting or capping surface along the axis normal to the plane. You can enter depth as an absolute value or select the % check box to treat the value as a percentage. For both absolute value as well as percentage value depth is expressed in the model length units.
Dynamic—Use your mouse to dynamically change a surface's depth and update its visualization.
Apply—Preview the cutting/capping surface without closing the dialog box. Once you select this button, the Dynamic button becomes active.