Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate Results Window > Results for Native Mode > Viewing Results > Capping and Cutting Surfaces > Defining Cutting or Capping Surface Depth
Defining Cutting or Capping Surface Depth
Use the Depth area of the Results Surface Definition dialog box to define the depth of the cutting or capping surface relative to the geometry or values in the model. Creo Simulate determines depth differently depending on the option you select in the Define By drop-down list.
WCS, Three Points, UCS, and Screen—For absolute values, Creo Simulate calculates the depth by measuring the value you enter along the axis normal to the reference plane, using the model geometry nearest the reference entity as a starting point.
For percentage values, Creo Simulate measures the percentage along the axis normal to the reference plane, with the exact position determined by the distance between the widest portion of your model along that axis normal.
Isosurfaces—For absolute values, enter a value in the legend range for the result window. Creo Simulate displays the isosurface nearest that value.
For percentage values, Creo Simulate uses the top and bottom values in the legend range to convert the percent you enter to a specific legend value. The software then displays the isosurface nearest the calculated legend value.