Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate Results Window > Results for Native Mode > Querying Results > To Query for Linearized Stress on Cutting or Capping Surfaces
To Query for Linearized Stress on Cutting or Capping Surfaces
You can view the linearized stress query report on fringe stress results with cutting planes or a capping plane.
To view the linearized stress query report, perform the following actions:
1. Create cutting planes or a capping plane on the fringe result for the model.
2. Click Home > Linearized Stress to launch the Linearized Stress Report dialog box.
3. Click next to Select plane to select the cutting planes or capping plane manually. The selected plane appears with a boundary so that you can clearly differentiate the plane from the other available planes.
* If there is a single cutting or capping plane available, the plane is automatically selected and appears with a boundary.
4. Click next to Point 1 to define the starting point of the linearization line segment on the selected plane.
5. Click next to Point 2 to define the end point of the linearization line segment on the selected plane. Datum Point is the default option.
In the case of assembly models, if there are multiple regions present in a single cutting or capping plane, you must select both the points Point 1 and Point 2 from the same patch to calculate the linearized stress. You must not select points on different patches.
1. Point 1 and Point 2 on the same patch
2. Point 1 and Point 2 on different patches
6. Select a linearized stress quantity result to display from the Component drop-down list.
For cutting surfaces, the Basis option is not available in the Linearized Stress Report dialog box, similar to 2D models.
7. Click Save Report. The Generate Query Report dialog box opens.
8. Type a file name to store the data in a tabular form. A .qrt extension is added to the file name.
9. Click Done.
* The linearized stress query for a fringe result with cutting planes or a capping plane is not available in exploded view and for isosurface planes.