About Shell Properties
If you want shells that are not homogeneous or shells that are comprised of several layers, or plies, you must create shell properties for your model.
You can assign shell properties to the following geometric entities, depending on the model type:
Model Type
surface (applies the shell property to shell elements)
2D Plane Stress
surface (applies the shell property to 2D plate elements)
2D Plane Strain
curve (applies the shell property to 2D shell elements)
2D Axisymmetric
curve (applies the shell property to 2D shell elements)
You can assign a shell property (its thickness and laminate matrices) to a face, region, or datum surface. You can also define a shell property that will reside in the
shell property library, but is not assigned to a particular entity. The shell property library file is named mshlprp.lib.
Refine Model and then click the arrow next to
Shell. Click
Shell Properties to open the
Shell Properties dialog box. You use this dialog box to define the properties of a shell as you define the shell, or you can define a shell property and save it in the library.
Before you define shell properties, see
Guidelines for Using Shell Properties. To learn more about shell properties, see
Shell Thickness.
You can define
three types of shell properties—homogeneous, laminate layup, and laminate stiffness.