Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Modeling Structure and Thermal Problems > Thermal Boundary Conditions > Prescribed Temperatures > Spatially Varying Temperatures > Guidelines for Spatially Varying Temperatures
Guidelines for Spatially Varying Temperatures
You can apply spatially varying temperatures only in the following cases:
You are running a steady-state thermal analysis.
You are running a transient thermal analysis when the initial condition of that analysis is a steady-state analysis containing the same spatially varying prescribed temperature.
When you are applying spatially varying temperatures, remember that changes in temperature throughout an entity must be smooth. Across adjacent entities, temperatures must be equal and continuous where the entities meet. In addition, temperature compatibility is needed in the following situations:
If you have a spatially varying temperature on a curve, the end points of that curve cannot have independent temperatures.
If you have a spatially varying temperature on a surface, the curves on the boundary of that surface cannot have independent temperatures.
You must define a continuous temperature on the interior of adjacent entities.
Keep in mind the following points when defining functions:
For table functions, Creo Simulate interprets angles as degrees. Domain bounds for the theta value must be between –180 and 180 degrees. Domain bounds for the phi value must be between zero and 180 degrees.
For symbolic functions, Creo Simulate interprets angles as radians. Make sure that the domain bounds for these angles are in the following ranges: the theta value must be between – and and the phi value must be between zero and .
For more information about functions, see Functions Dialog Box.
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