Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Modeling Structure and Thermal Problems > Structure Loads > Temperature Loads > Temperature Loads
Temperature Loads
Temperature loads allow you to simulate temperature changes over your model. They provide valuable information on how the structure of your model deforms due to a particular temperature change.
You can create the following types of temperature loads:
Structural Temperature Loads—These loads result from temperature changes in the entire model, individual components of an assembly or an individual region of a model. Structural temperature loads can be uniform over the entire entity, functions of coordinates, or based on an externally specified temperature field. You can include more than one structural load in a load set, but each load must be applied to a different entity.
MEC/T Temperature Loads—These loads result from temperature changes across the entire model based on a temperature field developed from the results of a steady-state or transient thermal analysis. You can include only one MEC/T temperature load in a load set. MEC/T temperature loads are not available in FEM mode.
MEC/T History Temperature Loads—These loads result from temperature changes across the entire model based on a temperature field developed from the results of a transient thermal analysis. You can include only one MEC/T history temperature load in a load set. You cannot place any other load to this load set. These loads are available in 3D native mode models.
When you create a temperature load, a load icon is placed near the origin of the WCS.