Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Modeling Structure and Thermal Problems > Connections > Welds > Spot Welds > Spot Welds
Spot Welds
Use spot welds to connect two nearly parallel surfaces at a datum point you specify. Creo Simulate creates a spot weld entity that connects the two surfaces using a beam with a circular section to simulate the weld. Spot welds are available in both Native and FEM modes.
You can use the sim_spotweld_split_mesh configuration option to customize the AutoGEM mesh elements created at the end of a spot weld.
When you add spot welds to your model, Creo Simulate connects the two surfaces in a circular spot at a point, and transfers forces from one part to another. If you are creating an assembly that has rivets, spot welds are one way to model the rivets.
When working with spot welds, be aware of the following:
The surfaces that you connect must be within 15 of being parallel to each other.
Spot welds transfer forces. However, stresses close to the welds can be inaccurate.
You cannot apply beam releases to the beams created with spot welds.
To create a spot weld, click Refine Model > Weld and select Spot Weld as the type of weld from the Weld Definition dialog box. After you create a spot weld, you can edit or delete it using the object action shortcut menu.