Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Degrees of Freedom for Rigid Links
Degrees of Freedom for Rigid Links
Use the Degrees of Freedom field on the Rigid Link Definition dialog box to specify the degrees of freedom for the dependent side of the link. You can select any combination of the six degrees of freedom. If you do not make any specific selection, Creo Simulate assumes that all degrees of freedom are allowed.
T1, T2, T3—These degrees of freedom specify translation of the node along an axis or axes of the coordinate system you select.
R1, R2, R3—These degrees of freedom specify rotation of the node about an axis or axes of the coordinate system you select.
The representation of the translational and rotational degrees of freedom changes according to the coordinate system as follows:
Cartesian—Tx, Ty, Tz and Rx, Ry, Rz
Cylindrical—Tr, Tt, Tz and Rr, Rt, Rz
Spherical—Tr, Tt, Tp and Rr, Rt, Rp
* 'r' indicates radius, 't' indicates theta, and 'p' indicates phi.
For information on correspondence between the axes in three coordinate systems, see Axis and Component Equivalents in Different Coordinate Systems.
Return to Creating Rigid Links (FEM mode) or To Create a Rigid Link (FEM mode).