About Swept Blends
A swept blend can have two trajectories: an origin trajectory (required) and a secondary trajectory (optional). Each Swept Blend feature must have at least two sections, and sections may be added between these two sections. To define a trajectory of the swept blend, you can select a sketched curve, a chain of datum curves, or edges. Only one trajectory is active at a time.
You sketch the sections to be blended at specified segment vertices or datum points on the origin trajectory. To orient a section, you specify the direction of the sketch plane (the z-axis) and the horizontal/vertical direction to that plane (the x- or y-axis). Use the Selected Sections option to select sections that were sketched before you enter the swept blend tool. Use the Sketched Sections option to sketch sections at points along the selected origin trajectory.
Note the following restrictions:
• For a closed trajectory profile, one section must be located at the start point and at least one other section at another location.
• Section references at the chain start and end points of the trajectory are dynamic and update if the trajectory is trimmed.
• Section locations can be referenced to model geometry, a curve for example, but modifying the trajectory may invalidate the references. In this case the swept blend feature will fail.
• All sections must contain the same number of entities.
You can control swept blend geometry by using an area location and by controlling the perimeter of the feature between the sections.
An area location allows you to specify the exact area of the cross section of the swept blend at the selected point on the origin trajectory. You can add or remove points on the origin trajectory at which to specify the swept blend sectional area. You can also change the value at user-defined points.