Creo Simulate > References > Data Management > Setting Up Your Collaborative Environment > About Supported Servers
About Supported Servers
The Creo applications let you access the following types of servers:
Windchill based servers (Windchill Foundation and ProjectLink)
FTP sites (only for file retrieval)
Shared Spaces
To set up a connection, you must register servers using File > Manage Session > Server management.
Consider the following rules for registering servers:
You can register multiple servers.
When you register a server that uses a workspace or project, you must also specify the active workspace or project that resides on that server. The server and workspace or server and project pair constitutes a site.
When multiple Creo applications share a Windchill server and workspace, the server registration and workspace authentication on any one application is valid for all other applications that share the same server.
You can register only a single Pro/INTRALINK server.
* Windchill PartsLink and shared spaces do not require registering with File > Manage Session > Server management.
After a site is registered, it appears in the navigator and also in the Creo application dialog boxes commonly used for file operations such as File > Open and Model > Get Data > Import. Depending on the architecture of the application, the site can be navigated using the Folder or Connections navigator, as shown in the following table.
Folder Navigator
Connections Navigator
Windchill ProjectLink
FTP site
Windchill PartsLink
Shared Spaces
(requires a license for Design Collaboration Extension)
Windchill ProjectLink
Windchill PDMLink