sim > Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate > Creating Analyses > Vibration Analysis > Dynamic Shock Analysis > Calculate Quantities for a Dynamic Shock Analysis
Calculate Quantities for a Dynamic Shock Analysis
Use this item to specify the type of results Creo Simulate calculates for a dynamic shock analysis.
Select one of the following check boxes if you want Creo Simulate to calculate full results:
Stresses—Directs Creo Simulate to calculate stresses. If you do not need stress results, you can save disk space by clearing this check box. This also results in dramatically reduced analysis time.
Rotations—Directs Creo Simulate to calculate the rotation about each WCS axis over the entire model.
Rotations are never calculated if your model consists only of 3D solid, 2D solid, or 2D plate elements, even if this check box is selected. Rotations are always zero for these element types.
Ply Stresses—Directs Creo Simulate to calculate the ply-by-ply stress results. This check box is only for models that have laminate shell properties defined.
Mass Participation Factors—Directs Creo Simulate to calculate the modal mass participation factors. This can result in greatly increased computational time.
You cannot access full results for quantities you do not select here. Creo Simulate calculates all measures valid for an analysis, regardless of your selections here. You can access results for measures through the summary report or by graphing the measure in a results window.
If you select Time/Frequency Eval when you define a dynamic measure, you can access results only through a results window.