About Vibration Analysis
Click > command in Structure to define a vibration analysis.
The following four types of vibration analysis are available to Structure users:
• Dynamic Time—Calculates displacements, velocities, accelerations, and stresses in your model at different times in response to a time-varying load. An example would be an impulse load on a structure.
• Dynamic Frequency—Calculates the amplitude and phase of displacements, velocities, accelerations, and stresses in your model in response to a load oscillating at different frequencies.
• Dynamic Random—Calculates the power spectral densities and RMS values of displacements, velocities, accelerations, and stresses in your model in response to a load of specified power spectral density. An example would be the loading experienced by an automobile driving on an uneven road.
• Dynamic Shock—Calculates maximum values of displacements and stresses in your model in response to a base excitation with specified response spectrum. You would usually use this type of analysis for situations where either response spectra or design spectra are available. An example would be the maximum response due to shock spectra on a water tank structure.