Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Design Basics > Working with an Internal Catalog > Artifacts and Shapes > To Place a Shapeless Member
To Place a Shapeless Member
1. In the Catalog Explorer, select the artifact for which to create shapes.
2. Create the first shape, for example, a blockshape with a Diagram type of Block. Open the sheet, draw the shape and add a port.
3. Close the sheet.
4. Create the second shape, for example, a blockshape with a Diagram type of Wiring. Open the sheet, the Catalog tab opens.
5. Use the commands on the Geometry tab to draw the shape.
6. Click Catalog > . The Add Member Shapes dialog box opens. The port added in step 2 appears in the Shapeless Members area.
7. Select a shapeless member and click . The Added shape selector opens.
8. Select the shape to be added, and then click OK.
9. Place the pointer at the desired location and click to instance the port. The port appears on the shape. No additional logical data is added to the shape.
10. Close the sheet.