What's New: Creo Parametric > Assembly Design > IFX Supports Collapsible Lists
IFX Supports Collapsible Lists
IFX supports collapsible lists for fastener selection.
User Interface Location: Open the Screw Fastener Definition dialog box.
Release: Creo Parametric
Watch a video that demonstrates this enhancement:
You can also watch this video on the PTC Learning Connector: IFX Supports Collapsible Lists
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
A fastener library catalog can be large, resulting in a need to scroll to find the fastener that you want. With a collapsible list, you can define which lists are collapsed by default and which fasteners appear at the top of the list. This makes access to fasteners quicker and more efficient.
Creo Intelligent Fastener 4.0
Creo Intelligent Fastener 5.0
collapsible list IFX
Additional Information
From the ifx_catalogs directory (<installation location>\common files \afx\part\ifx_catalogs>) you can open a catalog.txt file, such as mm-iso.txt, and set the following:
Favorites. See yellow highlight.
Groups to be collapsed by default, using the word collapsed. See pink highlight.
Groups to be expanded by default, using the word expanded. See purple highlight.
example collapsible list IFX