Design Animation > Design Animation > Creating an Animation > Including Subanimations > About Subanimations
About Subanimations
Use the Subanimation command to include an animation created with your assembly or any of its subassemblies in the current animation. This included animation becomes a subanimation. By default, a subanimation references the ground body. If your subanimation moves relative to another body, you must reference the other body. Use the Subanimation dialog box to reference the other body.
When including a subanimation, make sure that:
The reference body is not part of the subanimation. If reference body movement is defined in the subanimation, the resulting animation may be erratic due to the conflicting body settings.
Only the bodies that should move are defined as Desired (the default) or Required when you insert a key frame sequence in a subanimation. Any bodies defined as Unspecified will not move with the reference body. Use the Key Frame Sequence dialog box to change body definitions.
Only those bodies that are actively defined in a subanimation will move with reference to the specified body. A body that is not specified will not move. For example, a door that is opening on a moving car will stop moving with the car if it is defined for only half of the animation.
Click Create Animation > Subanimation. The Subanimation dialog box opens. Select the animation to include and click Include. By default, the start time of the included animation is 0.0 in the current animation.
Animation element details are not displayed on a newly-included subanimation in the timeline. To make these elements visible, click the plus sign at the beginning of the subanimation on the timeline.