About the Surface Sets Dialog Box
Use the Surface Sets dialog box to view included surfaces, excluded surface sets, and add rule-based surface sets. Click Details on the References tab of a tool to open the Surface Sets dialog box.
The Surface Sets dialog box consists of the following areas:
Set and Count
This area contains a table with two columns.
• Set—Contains three rows of surface sets.
◦ Individual surfaces
◦ The type of rule-based surfaces
◦ Excluded surfaces
• Count—Shows the number of surfaces in each set.
Use the buttons to add or remove surface sets.
• Add—Lists the rule options to add a new rule-based surface set.
• Remove—Removes the selected surface set.
Anchor Collector
Shows the seed or anchor surface selected.
Rule Options
Use the Rule options to select a rule for surface sets. When you select a rule, options for the selected rule appear.
• Loop surfaces—Selects surfaces neighboring the specified Loop edge of the anchor.
• Seed and boundary surfaces—Selects all surfaces between the anchor and bounding surfaces. The boundary can be:
◦ Individual surfaces—Selects individual surfaces.
◦ Loop surfaces—Prompts you to select a Boundary loop anchor and Boundary loop edge. Click or clear the Include bounding surfaces check box to include bounding surfaces.
• All solid surfaces—Selects all surfaces of the solid to which the anchor belongs.
• Tangent surfaces—Selects a tangent surface set. Click the Neighbor surfaces only check box to select only neighboring surfaces.
• Geometry rule surfaces—Selects a geometry rule surface set. Select the geometry rule from the highlighted options.
◦ Co-planar—Collects surfaces coplanar to the anchor.
◦ Parallel—Collects surfaces parallel to the anchor.
◦ Co-axial—Collects surfaces co-axial to the anchor. This option is available only for revolve surfaces.
◦ Equal radius—Collects surfaces with the same radius and type as the anchor. This option is available for cylindrical, sphere, and torus surfaces.
◦ Same convexity—Collects surfaces with the same convexity and type as the anchor. This option is available for cylindrical, cone, and sphere surfaces.
• Shape surfaces—Selects a shape surface set.
◦ Primary shape options—Sets the primary shape Round/Chamfer, Boss, or Cut. The default primary shape is automatically selected, but you can select a new option to change it.
◦ Include secondary shapes check box—Click the check box to include secondary shapes in the surface set.
Excluded Surfaces
When you do not want to modify all surfaces collected by the surface set, select Excluded Surfaces from the Set list. The Excluded surfaces collector appears. The surfaces selected are added to the excluded surfaces set and are not modified by the tool.