Mold Design and Casting > Catalogs > Creating the Layout > About Creating the Layout Files
About Creating the Layout Files
The Layout files are files used by the Catalog Engine to build standard solids from the template solid.
Create all layout files under the Catalog_Directory you specified in your Index.mnu file.
Create all layout files in the order you want to see them in your dialog box.
It is essential that all Layout file values in the Parameter tables match the layout file names created for the next level of layouts.
For example: If you have a Parameter in a layout file named Length_Lay_File, and its value for one instance is set to 3_Length_Len, you must create a layout file named 3_Length_len for the next level of Layouts. The 3_length_len layout file would then contain parameters for the length dimensions of the part.
Catalog Functionality allows you to view GIF images based on the type of part you are selecting. Create as many GIF Images as there are types of parts. These GIF Images can have dimensions or pictures. We recommend that you create a GIF file for each type of part you want in the catalog. You should also create a GIF file for each type of quilt, if you want to add one to your model.
Empty Layout File
Create a layout file and call it Catalog Directory Name_Empty. Do nothing with this layout.
Use the EMPTY Layout file for any values you do not wish to have in your catalog engine.
For example: If you only have Inch parts, use the Empty Layout for all Metric Values. This way, only the inch option will appear in the Catalog engine.